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Touching to the Perfection, Quartz

SKU: VTT0005 | 5795 Total Views

1 pcs
Classification   Quartz

Location  Bangkok Thailand

Shape  Fancy

Approx. Weight  57.08 Carats

Approx. Dimensions 1.00 x 1.00 x 1.00 mm

Depth Percentage 100.00%

Owner's Description  

Touching of the Perfection, Quartz:

Cut by world master cutter "Mr.Victor Tuzlukov".

            One evening Musician walked along the lakeside. Light pink clouds were melting in the blue depth passing into gold at the skyline. Blooming lotuses were reposing on the water surface like drop of sunset. Looking around Musician stopped and the Harmony resounded in his soul.

            That was an unknown melody in which tender sounds of sunset cooled under the night’s breath. Our hero quickly looked around – there wasn’t an paper, paint or instruments close at hand to fix the melody. How could he bring that inspiration to other people, give them that feeling of flying? Musician smiled and headed toward the steep yellowing with the fresh clay…

            Copies of that sculpture – in bronze and marble – are still exhibited in numerous museums of the world as the realization of the Master’s genius, for whom all means are convenient to touch to the Perfection.


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